4th Grade and 5th Grade

Dear Fourth and Fifth Graders,

       The final week of school will pass so quickly!  Are you using all the study skills, reading and note taking strategies, proofreading skills, and math skills you learned all year to be successful?  Keep working diligently to make good progress heading into the last few days of the school year.  You can do this! 


Ms. Storino  

[email protected]

Be who God created you to be, and you will set the world on fire.    ~St. Catherine of Sienna

God loves you. God knows you. God has a plan for you.  And if you place your hands in His, He will lead you to peace.          ~Archbishop Sartain

God has chosen you to make Him known to others.    ~Saint John Baptist de La Salle

It is always springtime in a heart that loves God.   ~St. John Vianney

When you know better, you do better.     ~Maya Angelou

Do not fear what may happen tomorrow.  The same loving Father who cares for you today will care for you tomorrow and every day.      ~St. Francis de Sales

What a wonderful thought is that some of the best days of our lives haven't even happened yet.       ~ Anne Frank

4th and 5th Grade Homework (and 7th grade math homework)

June 10, 2024 

Math - 4th - p. 731, #2-30 (even)

**Please bring an old cloth or towel to help clean the classroom!

June 11, 2024

Math - 4th - p. 742, #1-29 (odd)


**Please bring an old cloth or towel to help clean the classroom!

June 12, 2024

June 13, 2024

June 14, 2024

Happy and Blessed Summer!  See you all in September!

Fourth Grade receives letter grades for the first time.

Grading Scale

A      95-100
A-     93-94
B+    91-92     
B      85-90        
B-     83-84
C+    81-82
C      75-80
C-     73-74
D+    71-72
D      65-70
D-     60-64
U      Below 60
 Guidelines for Success
  • Get enough sleep and eat healthy meals and snacks
  • Arrive at school on time
  • Check to make certain all materials are packed before leaving home/school
  • Fully engage themselves in class:  listen, ask questions, take notes, respond 
  • Use time wisely
  • Reread, check for quality work
  • Turn in all homework, assignments, and projects on time

Parent Resources

Math websites for practice and activities

  • mathantics.com
  • kahnacademy.com
  • coolmathgames.com
  • learnzillion.com
  • hourofcode.com/learn (site for basic computer coding and information)
  • aplusmath.com/flashcards

High Interest Nonfiction Articles