Speech Team

St. Mark Speech Team is a great opportunity to develop public speaking skills and learn speech techniques in a supportive environment. The High School tournaments are fun and competitive and the emphasis is on positive feedback leading to improved performance. Speech Team weekly meetings begin in October.  Learn how to deliver an Impromptu, Informative, Persuasive, and Extemporaneous.

Why join your school Speech Team? 

Time Commitment
One afternoon a week, practices are optional, but highly encouraged as we have limits on the number of students we can register for the tournaments. We are available from 3:15 to 4:00 p.m. on that day to advise, edit, critique, and encourage team members as they choose, refine, and practice their pieces. All team members must meet with an advisor and perform their piece before they will be registered for a tournament.

There are three tournaments. Students may compete in all or in just one, depending on their schedules.

  1. Bishop Blanchet tournament is in December, an all-day event that ends by 6:30 p.m.
  2. Seattle Prep tournament is in January, an all-day event that ends by 7:00 p.m.
  3. Eastside Catholic tournament is the first Saturday of February

The following criteria will be used to determine who goes to the competition in the event that we have more students than open slots:

  • All deadlines are met
  • Attendance
  • Use of time during the meetings
  • Quality of piece/performance in late November
  • Eighth graders (who are eligible for a scholarship) who have met the above criteria will get precedence if all other factors are equal
There is a $60 fee for the Speech Team which covers two tournament costs and an "end of the year" pizza lunch. Please make checks payable to "St. Mark Catholic Classical School." If your student chooses to go and is eligible to participate in all three tournaments there will be an additional fee (not in excess of $10) due in late January.