Virtues in Practice Assignments

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December's Virtue Home project

December Home Project

Purity – Keeping your soul free of sin


Choose one of the following home projects.  As you work on your project throughout the month, think about Saint Agnes and how she used purity to become closer to God.

1. Think about sin and discuss it with your family. Pray together and tell God how much you love Him.  Ask Him to help you not turn away from Him and thank Him for His never ending forgiveness.  How is this connected to the virtue of purity and Saint Agnes?  Explain clearly. 
2. Think about a time you and a friend made a poor choice. Talk with your family about what to do if a friend is trying to influence you into doing something you know is wrong (cheating, excluding someone, lying, etc.).  Discuss ways of how you and your friend should handle these situations.  How is this displaying purity?  How does this connect to Saint Agnes’ example of purity?  Explain clearly.
3.Practice quickly closing your eyes and praying, “Jesus, help me!” when you feel like telling a lie, getting angry, or making a poor choice. Role play and practice this prayer when you are being tempted.  How is this displaying purity like Saint Agnes?
4. Write about the effects of music on your emotions. Listen to various songs with your family.  Listen to songs that make you happy, songs that ease your sadness, songs that remind you of a loved one, or songs that are favorite hymns from Mass.  Does the type of music you listen to affect your relationship with God?  What kinds of music are good for you? Discuss these ideas with your family.  How does this thinking connect to purity and Saint Agnes?

Write a complete paragraph explaining your project.  Use a writing plan to help you plan your writing.  Include a clear topic sentence and describe the project.  The paragraph must include the virtue and its definition.  Use the following questions to help you write the paragraph.  How did the project demonstrate the virtue of purity?  How will you continue to practice purity in the future?  What did you learn from Saint Agnes that will help you practice purity?

Please type your paragraph using size 12 font and double space it.  Include the complete heading on the paper.  Use complete sentences and correct grammar and spelling.  Remember to read your paragraph out loud before you are ready to turn it in to make sure the writing is clear to the reader.  Be prepared to give a short oral summary explaining your project to the class on December 15.


Your home project is due December 15.


November's Virtue Home project

Please do one of the home projects on the handout below. Read the directions carefully before turning in your projects on Thursday, November 18th.


October's Virtue Home project

Please follow the directions given on the handout below.


September's Virtue Home project

Please read the attached handout for more information.